Are there any specific price I should look for when choosing baby diapers ?

Here are some general guidelines to aim for when choosing baby diapers price:

Newborn (Size 1) diapers

$0.20-0.30 each is typical. They outgrow these quickly.

Size 1-3 diapers

You can typically find quality brands and store brands for $0.10-0.15 each in bulk packages.

Size 4-5 diapers

Expect to pay $0.10-0.13 each for larger sizes in economy bulk packages.

Premium/organic diapers

May cost $0.15-0.25 each due to higher quality materials.

Generic/store brand diapers

Usually $0.07-0.12 each in large packages is a good deal.

Cloth diaper prices vary

Covers $5-15 each, inserts $5-10 for a pack. Upfront cost recovers over time vs disposables.

Subscription services discounts

15-30% off retail prices by signing up for regular automatic shipments.

Aim to average $0.12 or less per diaper for savings over time. Watch for sales on major brands or bulk packages with 30%+ off retail prices. Stock up when good deals are found. Cloth is an investment but ultimately cheaper in the long run.