Do hair combs work? What is a laser hair regrowth comb?

Hair loss is a serious problem for many people nowadays. If these hair loss problems cannot be solved, So, it is likely to make them bald, so many people naturally want to choose the right way to hair, a lot of people think hair comb is a good way, but can hair comb grow hair? How to use this comb to achieve hair effect? Let’s watch it together.

  1. 1. Hair comb can hair?
    In fact, the so-called hair comb is a comb in the hair so that the drug better contact with the scalp, this comb can achieve the effect of hair and hair growth, So, use it to help their hair is feasible, but if the choice of hair comb did not choose the right or comb the hair is not correct way may affect the hair growth effect.
  2. 2. What is hair growth comb?
    In fact, what kind of material comb will also affect the hair growth effect to a large extent, Hair growth effect is the best material is ABS with a combination of micro current, ions, etc., this comb not only has a good promotion hair follicle active, prevent scalp tissue necrosis, but also have a good massage and head massage effect.
  3. 3. How to use hair comb?
    In the use of hair comb to help hair growth, must pay attention to see where the location of hair loss, if the hairline is easier to lose hair, then, in the comb time to comb the hair line, If it is easy to lose hair on both sides, then, it is necessary to comb both sides of the comb, to try to comb the hair as comprehensive as possible, and the intensity should be moderate, so as to avoid hurting the hair.

What is a hair comb?

Because the scalp and other parts of the body are not the same, medication care is difficult, so you need to use tools, the hair growth comb should be strictly medicine comb, through such a comb, add drugs, nutrients, etc. Contact the scalp, let the drug direct hair, so that the drug can be better absorbed, so to achieve a good effect, at the same time because of the design principle of comb teeth, can be very good massage, give the scalp cell vitality, achieve the effect of hair care.

What is the laser hair regrowth comb?
Laser hair combs are used in a similar way to ordinary combs, but they emit light from a low-intensity laser. The light from the comb is thought to prevent hair loss or promote hair growth. The use of the device is somewhat controversial because the outcome is different for everyone.
Laser combs claim to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of laser combs as light therapy. The FDA approval means that testing of these combs has proven to be relatively safe, with few harmful side effects, and at least some people’s hair has shown positive results. That doesn’t mean the device works for everyone. In fact, doctors point out that although lasers can stimulate existing hair follicles, they cannot produce new ones and therefore cannot cure thinning or baldness caused by a lack of healthy ones in the skin, Laser combs are the best way to prevent hair loss before it thins out Despite criticism, they are popular because unlike other hair loss treatments they are noninvasive and these combs don’t involve chemicals. Although some models can cost thousands of dollars, over time the price of the mid- to low-end models can fall below what people spend on creams, shampoos or other procedures. Proponents of these combs claim that by gently increasing blood flow to the follicles, it helps the hair follicles heal, which in turn promotes hair growth. The portability of the comb is also an advantage. Although the device is designed for men and has FDA approval, both women and men can use the laser comb on a regular basis, up to two or three times a week. The duration of the treatment depends on how many lasers the comb has and how intense those lasers are. Laser combs are used to treat the scalp. Even so, doctors have experimented with using laser combs in combination with other hair loss treatments, such as topical creams on other skin areas such as those associated with beards. These studies have yielded encouraging results, but because hair growth involves so many variables, doctors cannot assure patients that hair will definitely grow.